We are at your disposal
Here you will find the direct way to the desired contact person at ROTEK. Whether you want to contact our customer consultants, need technical support, have questions about deliveries or invoices and much more. We look forward to hearing from you.
Your Contact Partners

Robin Herrmann
Application engineer
Phone: +49 471 98409-25
E-Mail: robin.herrmann@rotek-motoren.de

Anke Allerheiligen
Order handling
Phone: +49 471 98409-15
E-Mail: anke.allerheiligen@rotek-motoren.de

Christina da Rocha Nunes
Phone: +49 471 98409-23
E-Mail: christina.darochanunes@rotek-motoren.de

Ilja Paul
Construction & Development
Phone: +49 471 98409-24
E-Mail: ilja.paul@rotek-motoren.de

Maxim Oleksjuk
Procurement & Warehousing
Phone: +49 471 98409-28
E-Mail: maxim.oleksjuk@rotek-motoren.de


Dipl.-Oek. Rolf Treusch
Business Management
Phone: +49 471 98409-0
E-Mail: info@rotek-motoren.de

Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Treusch
Technical Management
Phone: +49 471 98409-0
E-Mail: info@rotek-motoren.de

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Wilfried Treusch
Development Management
Phone: +49 471 98409-0
E-Mail: info@rotek-motoren.de